Saturday, July 3, 2010

za3lana mennak..

Have you ever felt like crying all day long?
Have you ever felt like growling at people around you?
Have you ever felt that sometimes one can be so cruel towards you?
Have you ever felt that the one you've known who was nice and all could turn into a devil?
Have you ever felt so depressed with the harsh words  that came out from the one you knew was so kind?

Sometimes, one can't think of any, one can't control the temper within himself, ya rabb..

YA RABB you own my heart, comfort me YA RABB, find me peace and tranquility..


If you are reading this post, know that.. That I have never forgotten you.. Not even once in my life..

1 comment:

  1. saya pernah rasainye. dengan ruqi. ruqi pernah guna harsh word pada saya. tapi takpe, saya pun bukan sikit panas barannya, mungkin orang lain dah kena harsh word saya.

    saya tetap anggap ruqi seorang yang baik pada saya, mengajar saya banyak benda yang besar manfaat pada diri saya.terima kasih.
