Friday, October 28, 2011

siapa sebenarnya wahabi

Karya terbaru al-Fadhil Ustaz Zamihan hafizahullah. Memberi penerangan mengenai sikap dan kefanatikan puak Wahhabiy dan bahayanya. Elok untuk dibaca agar kita tahu siapa puak-puak ini, apatah lagi sekarang ni ramai asatizah dan protaz yang terpengaruh dengan dakyah ini mula menyusup masuk ke berbagai badan kerajaan, swasta dan parti - parti politik. Buku ini diberi kata alu-aluan oleh dua orang agamawan negara kita, iaitu al-Fadhil Dr. Muhammad Uthman el-Muhammady dan al-Fadhil Dato Hj Mohd Saleh Hj Ahmad. Silalah berhubung dengan Ustaz Zamihan untuk mendapatkan senaskhah buku ini. Moga ada manfaatnya dan mudah-mudahan Allah tetapkan kita semua atas jalan Ahlus Sunnah yang sebenar, bukan jalan para pendakwa yang beri'tiqad kursi itu tempat telapak kaki Allah...... subhanAllah.


Penerangan al-Fadhil Ustaz mengenai bukunya
 for video, click on this link bahrusshofa

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

maktabah al azbakiah

i call it heaven of heavens. :D sorga buku.

this was my first time going out to this maktabah al azbakiah which is located at 'atabah as asked by my arabic teacher, ustajah siham.

it was such a great memory for me, really. i love books but not an avid reader (he he) and i went wild when i saw those books and books and books at a very very cheap price. ex : kitab riyadhus solihin by imam al nawawi rah. costs only 1ole (rm5). the key to get good prices; you just need to be good at tawar menawar.

i'm surely going to go to this place again - with those lovers of books. anyone? hehe!

a glimpse from scholar's word

'My children are one of two kinds; 

  •  they are either from amongst those who obey the command of Allah,
  •  or of those who disobey Him

If they are righteous, Allah will take care of them, and if they are not, I do not want to help them commit a sin with my money.'

- Umar ibn Abdul Aziz

moga allah qobul itu najah.

many people here told me the word mesir can be interpreted to 'mim' as musibah, 'sod' as sabar, 'ra' as redha.
you cannot expect the unexpected to happen. i don't know what does it really mean but some say soon you'll know. i know exactly what i want here; i don't want anything except goodness. i don't want to waste my time here for years without achieving anything from here. my numbers of age are increasing and being here for the rest of my life is certainly what i never wished for.

i'm waiting for the result of imtihan qobul to come out soon. i hope everything is going to be good to others as well as i am. He hears and knows what i always believe in and He knows best what is best for me.

imtihan qobul was, to me, quite standard to STAM's papers. the exam itself was not that hard. if you were in malaysia, when you're answering papers with confidence you can surely tell what you will get for the result unlike here, it's complicated, i don't know how to explain. the result might be way different than what you expect for. that's what the pegawai of this rumah negeri told me.

walaupun begitu..

sebagai hamba, tugas aku sekarang hanyalah berdoa dan bertawakkul setelah pun berusaha..

p/s : just been informed, keputusan might come out tomorrow. *gigit jari*

differences in the ummah

written by sheikhul hadis maulana zakariyya kandahlawi (blessings upon Him).

click on the link given :

Differences in the Ummah are Rahmah

Monday, October 24, 2011

canon G12

loving it. tak nyesal beli. sesi eksperimen syok sendiri yang best. hahahaha

1.50 genih was friday, and friday actually means egaza - holiday. i planned of going to mobinil by myself that day because i did not want to disturb anyone with their works.

i had to wait about 2o minutes for a bus which would take me to the destination, cost only 1.5ole.

once arrived.. -________-"

dah tutup rupanya. lupa yang jumaat buka pukul 3pm, aku datang pukul 1pm. elokla tu. hahaha.

so terpaksa la balik, sambil tunggu bas balik ke hostel datang dengan penuh harapan. sambil menunggu, ada seorang laki, lagak seorang yang islamik, berpakaian jubah senteng dan berkepiah dan bercahaya wajah -sebab macam orang putih haha- sedang menahan teksi tidak bermeter, betul-betul di hadapan aku. alih-alih terdengar bunyi hon, tercari-cari gak sapa yang hon, -maklumlah mesir ni tak happening kalau tak hon setiap saat-, rupanya pakcik teksi drebar yang hon sambil memanggil aku, nak tanya mahu pergi mana. bila aku jawab 'rab3ah' dia mengangguk 'mashi'. kiranya aku menumpang naik teksi sekali dengan laki berjubah. pelik gak tak pernah-pernah di offer naik teksi sekali dengan orang lain.

tanpa berfikir panjang dan malas nak gelabah, aku keluarkan siap-siap 3 genih buat tambang. senang. bila sampai depan hostel aku, aku pun nak serahkan duit 3 genih, then pakcik tu cakap tak perlu. terkejut la aku. apsal pakcik ni baik hati sangat. rupanya laki tu dah bayarkan untuk aku. padanla aku perasan dia da bagi duit siap-siap. muka bercahaya iman, pakai jubah, berkepiah, then baik hati nak bayarkan tambang aku. woooo gentleman tak? gentleman kan? kan? kan? hahaha.

so moral of the story : aku suka orang mesir yang gentleman! hahaha.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


today jalan-jalan bertiga sekitar kawasan berdekatan hostel. never i thought my area also ada costa. kebetulan mengidam vanilla iced-blended, 'terpaksa' la masuk ke kedai tersebut. hahaha. but it was fun, seriously.

costa and friends :

Saturday, October 22, 2011

genap 1 bulan 1 hari

genap  1 bulan 1 hari di mesir.

happy birthday to 'aatikah si kecik comel, you are now three years-old, grow up a good muslima kid, will ya?

auntie Q miss you so much! wish i could teach you arabic once i'm home haha. motif takde.

gneena mall,

i don't know where does the word 'gneena' exactly come from, but as far as i know that gneena derives from 'ganna', means 'crazy'. you can call it 'crazy mall' if you like. this is the second mall i've been to, the first was sarag mall and it didn't even look like a mall but the people here said that it's the place for rich people. -____________________-". i thought the malls here are like sarag mall, but somehow gneena mall is far way better than sarag mall, yet still cannot beat the malls in malaysia or saudi. hahahaha. gneena mall is quite near from my hostel. it took me1o minutes only by walking. fyi, only rich people go to the malls, it's their culture here idk.

fyi 1ooLE = rm5o,  you can get skirts and dresess from this mall, price range from 8o-15oLE which is affordable but not for a student haha.

well that's mall. but if you want cheaper prices, then khan khalili is the place, or atabah located at hussein mosque. not too far from my hostel, but i need to get a taxi which will cost me about 15LE to go there. it's jalan TAR vers in cairo. so you should understand how sesak gila tempat ni. you can get everything there below than 1ooLE. see how cheap is that? you can get decent attires at very very reasonable price. i will only go there on weekends. never on weekdays. never.

another thing here, i love going out on weekends, sebab jalan tak sesak and orang tak ramai. because normally the people here will stay at home and sleep during weekends. haha.

some shots at gneena mall :

(later on will upload the photos sbb internet slowww gla.)

Friday, October 21, 2011

alive again.

it's been ages since i last updated an entry and that was months ago, and suddenly i am a happily married person now. god, i think i cannot stop myself from saying these common sentences 'it's been ages bla bla bla' at each updated entry. see how lame am i? great, just look at my page, it's nothing bad than worst.. i need to 'renovate' this page to a.. let's say a 'nicer' design.

it's friday peeps and it's weekend here, i'm planning of going to Mobinil to upgrade my 25LE plan to 150LE plan. 25LE's quite slow for a person like me, i cannot handle the situation of waiting the pages to load like years. -_____-" . inshallah i'll be updating this blog more frequent than before (?) after upgrading to 150LE's plan. i have tons of photos in my lappy yet i uploaded only a few of them due to slow internet connection.

so until then, see you in another entry next time!