Wednesday, December 2, 2009


sedap. sedap. sedap. carik kat HADRAMAUT. <3

It's getting on my nerves..

Ohh. Why eh? My heart beats so fast, just so it knows I'm afraid of tomorrow. KHAMIS pagi cek. AHH.

THURSDAY oo THURSDAY, i'm sorry to say this, if you come to fetch me, then you won't see me, so please don't come again ! argh.

Ohh dear. Is it me or the 'MEETING' tomorrow sounds so annoying to me? As if I could, I would turn away and run my heart out. I don't wanna meet those 'GIANTS', cukuplah GIANT dalam cerita DORAEMON isk, they always act like they know everything, hence the worse part is that they tend to underestimate your knowledge and ability. there you go, all your less less are now being unveiled. X_x (I'm dead ? LOL)

Don't bring me into tricky questions please, GIANT GIANT sekelian. nanti tapasal2 saya sesat. HISH. maka, sila la faham isi hati saya yang gelabah ini. T_T (crying ?)

rabbishrahli sadri wa yassirli amri wakhlul 3uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qawli. ameen ameen AMEEN.


p/s : ukhti nai, thanks for the invitation to be one of your VIPS's (HAHA!), i feel loved dear, I once tried to log into your blog before, but somehow I failed, I don't know why, and now I know WHY. well quite a reason? HEHE. aa another thing, I actually wanted to comment on your latest post, tapi tade tempat nak komen. I don't know where to bebel so I bebel here, can ah? tee hee hee <3 TC

SAYA sangat gelabah sampai tatau nak baca apa. bukan tatau. tade MOOD nak baca apa. eh tatau dan tade mood? T___T

PLIS. DO PRAY for me. PUH PUH. moga semburan korang-korang amat sakti. ameen. :p

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